постоянный участник

ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.06.05 05:04. Заголовок: Fale Portugues!

Fale mais devagar, por favor.

I'd like to see this page as a kind of "active study" type. If you don't speak portuguese, please, write any other language (english is most preferable, of course.

Итак. (So)

I've told you about the song performed by Elis Regina, Tiro Ao Alvaro. There were some sequences of human sounds , something just like that:

"Teu olhar mata mais do que bala de carabina"

Does someone feel like blowing this up?
Well, I've got it as " your look kills more than a bullet of the rifle"

Oh, I'm sorry, there goes the whole thing:

De tanto levar, frechada do teu olhar
meu peito ate parece sabe o que
Taubua de tiro ao Alvaro
num tem mais onde furar
num tem mais.

De tanto levar, frechada do teu olhar
meu peito ate parece sabe o que
Taubua de tiro ao Alvaro
num tem mais onde furar

Teu olhar mata mais do que bala de carabina,
que veneno estricnina
que peixeira de baiano
teu olhar mata mais que atropelamento
de automover, mata mais
que bala de revorver.

Couldn't help myself comprehending some special moments like automover etc. Does anybody know English version?

2 BX
Do you think it's kinda way stepping worldwide?

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 30.09.06 21:17. Заголовок: Re:

Попалась в бразильском нете такая штука: Ser carioca é…

Кое-что перевёл, что полегче. ) Кое-то почти перевёл, но, боясь неточности, печатать не стал. Если кто поможет – BEM VINDO!

Ser carioca é...
Быть кариокой это …

Começar alguma conversa com o usual "olha só..." Ser marrento porque pode ser... afinal, olhe só
onde a gente mora!

Dar inveja nos "não cariocas" pelo simples fato de sermos cariocas...
Вызывать зависть у «некариок» одним простым фактом, что мы кариоки…

Indignar-se com a inveja dos "não cariocas" com o habitual "faaala sério"

Tratar tanto homens quanto mulheres de "cara" sem que isso seja considerado afronta...

É comer pizza com catchup sim, e daí?!?!

Ter certeza de que esta é a cidade mais linda do mundo, mesmo sem conhecer nenhuma outra;
Быть уверенным, что этот город самый красивый в мире, не зная ни одного другого;

Falar com o "R" arrastado e com o "S" com som de "X" e exagerar ainda mais quando está perto de paulistas;
Произносить «Р» растянуто и «С» как «Ш», и усиливать это, когда рядом паулисты;

Saber que as maiores torcidas do mundo estão aqui!

Saber que o maior estádio do mundo é o Maracanã;
Знать, что самый большой в мире стадион – Маракана;

Saber que a maior floresta urbana do mundo é a Floresta da Tijuca;
Знать, что самый большой в мире городской лес – Тижука;

Saber que a maior favela do mundo é a Rocinha;
Знать, что самая большая фавела в мире – Росинья;

Entender porque a maioria dos estrangeiros acham que o Rio de Janeiro é a capital do Brasil;
Понимать, почему большинство иностранцев считают Рио столицей Бразилии;
Odiar paulista, sotaque de paulista, o jeito de vestir dos paulistas, a cor branca da pele dos paulistas e,
principalmente, as palavras: mano","mina","meu", "chaveco", entre outras.

Aplaudir o pôr-do-sol no posto 9;

Beber no AM/PM antes da night;

Comer no Cervantes depois da night;

Parar no meio da night estrategicamente no Bar do Osvaldo e depois...... quem conhece sabe... quem nunca foi vai continuar na curiosidade) Chegar na boate à uma da manhã;

Ver o nascer do sol na praia depois da night;

Ficar feliz com o horário de verão começa, porque isso significa uma hora a mais na praia;
Радоваться переходу на летнее время, потому что это означает ещё один час на пляже;

Agir com naturalidade ao encontrar artistas globais na rua;
Вести себя естественно, встречая на улице известных артистов;

Buzinar assim que o sinal abre;

Tomar mate sempre que estiver com sede;

Torcer para alguma escola de samba, mas viajar no carnaval por que a cidade fica cheia de paulistas;

Sair no bloco do Suvaco e no Simpatia é quase amor;

Sair da Faculdade na segunda-feira e passar no Baixo-Gávea pra tomar uma gelada.

Ir à praia sempre no mesmo lugar;
Ходить на пляж всегда в одно и то же место;

Acampar na Ilha Grande pelo menos uma vez na vida;
Разбить лагерь (?) на острове Илья Гранде хотя бы раз в жизни;

Odiar os argentinos que vão para Búzios nas ferias e tratam as brasileiras como lixo;
Ненавидеть аргентинцев, которые приезжают на выходные в Бузиоз и относятся к бразильцам, как к мусору;

Passar horas na academia, nem que seja fazendo social;

Nunca ter ido a São Paulo e não ter a menor vontade de ir;
Никогда не бывать в Сан Пауло и не иметь ни малейшего желания туда ехать;

Ter amigos no condomínio onde mora;
Иметь друзей в многоэтажке, где жиёшь;

Ter amigos na academia onde malha;

Fazer amigos na praia;
Знакомиться на пляже;

Ir ao shopping fazer compras e não fazer social, porque isso é coisa, de paulista;

Saber que as obras do "Rio Cidade" foram desnecessárias, mas até que ficaram bonitinhas;

Odiar a atual situação das praias da Zona Sul;

Morrer de rir ao ver paulistas dançando funk na televisão, como se esta fosse a última moda;
Умирать от смеха глядя по ТВ на паулистов, танцующих funk, словно это последняя мода;

Usar os engarrafamentos para comprar biscoito Globo e apreciar a paisagem;

Amar e respeitar muito esta cidade porque, mesmo com todos os seus problemas, ela é a
Любить и уважать этот город, потому, что вместе со всеми его проблемами, это ВОСХИТИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ГОРОД!!!!!!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.10.06 18:45. Заголовок: Re:

Hello people! I'm totally new at this place.
I came here by means of a friend that may be the author of one of these posts under a different name. I'm brazilian from Rio, and I'm glad that there is so much interest from you in the portuguese language. I myself love the russian culture, and I'm (little by little, in a regular course) trying to learn russian, but I'm on the very beginning. I can try to help you in finding out the meaning of some phrases.

For example - this verse "que peixeira de baiano". "Peixeira" is indeed a kind of big knife that people use in the northern states of Brazil, such as Bahia. They even sell it via internet:


If you want to contact me, I'm almost always on ICQ: 2640694 . Thanks!!

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.10.06 18:54. Заголовок: Re:

By the way, maybe it will become easier for you if I put the lyrics in the way "well-readed" brazilians would say (as you know, this song is made to sound like the speech of a person with low culture)

De tanto levar, flechada do teu olhar
meu peito até parece - sabe o que? -
Tábua de tiro ao alvo
Não tem mais onde furar
Não tem mais.

Teu olhar mata mais do que bala de carabina,
que veneno, estricnina
que peixeira de baiano
teu olhar mata mais que atropelamento
de automóvel, mata mais
que bala de revólver.

And "Álvaro" is a noun well known in Brazil, hence the fun in the play of words :)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.06 02:31. Заголовок: Re:

Hi man! Bem vindo!

I'm very happy to see you here with us. ) Quer dizer estou feliz.)
Thank you a lot for explanations!

Se vc tem umas perguntas sobre o idioma russa bem isso é um lugar legal tbm.) Podemos fazer um tópico novo.

Você disse nada que é o músico. ;)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.06 18:40. Заголовок: Re:

Итак, с помощью господина Roncevaux постепенно переведём все фразы относительно того, что же значит «быть кариокой».
So let’s step by step translate all of the phrases about “to be a carioca is …” with the help of Mr. Roncevaux.

Odiar a atual situação das praias da Zona Sul;
To hate the present situation of the South Zone beaches - i.e, the pollution. By the way, do you know that Ipanema is a word from tupi - indians' language - meaning "bad water"?
Ненавидеть теперешнюю ситуацию на пляжах Южной Зоны, т.е. загрязнение. Между прочим, знаете ли вы, что слово Ипанема на языке индейцев тупи означает «плохая вода»?

Usar os engarrafamentos para comprar biscoito Globo e apreciar a paisagem;
To take profit of the traffic jams to buy Globo biscuits and enjoy the landscape.
(That happens because on traffic jams there always appear some street vendors to sell food and drinks to the drivers/ passengers. One of the most popular food items is the Globo Biscuit, which is a tapioca product. This on south zone, of course - I think all these phrases deal with the SZ)

Получать выгоду от автомобильных пробок покупая бисквиты «Глобо» и наслаждаясь ландшафтом.
(Это происходит оттого, что в пробках всегда появляются торговцы, чтобы продавать водителям/пассажирам еду и напитки. Одними из наиболее популярных являются бисквиты «Глобо», которые делаются из тапиоки. Это всё в южной зоне, конечно, я думаю все эти фразы относятся к ЮЗ.)
Теперь я (который Angler) добавлю, что изображений этих самых бисквитов не нашёл, но зато попалась тапиока. Видимо это корнеплод:

To be continued.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.06 19:41. Заголовок: Re:

That's cool! I can't say anything smart but you two - keep on going, I can read some of Portuguese when it goes along with translation :) It looks like relationship between "cariocas" and "paulistas" is close to the one of "moskvichi" and "peterburzhci" in Russia (same level of stupidity).

with your perfect beauty and your perfect pitch
you're a perfect terror...
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.06 20:56. Заголовок: Re:

Валера Хренников пишет:

It looks like relationship between "cariocas" and "paulistas" is close to the one of "moskvichi" and "peterburzhci" in Russia (same level of stupidity).

Hello people!
I'm happy that you welcome me and that I'm being useful.

I think Valera is correct. And going further, for the little that I know about Moscow and St. Petersburg, I'd compare Moscow to Rio - both cities can be said as evolved from a river with the name of the city, as the name "Rio" means "river", and the name was given (in january, or "Janeiro") by the first sailors who saw the entrance of Guanabara Bay thinking it was the firth of a big river :P Besides that, I heard (correct me please if I'm mistaken) the first time they heard about the name "Moscow" as a gathering of people was a document from outside the place. The name "Carioca" is also a coinage from "outside" people... the native indians! In tupi, "cari oca" means "house of the white", i.e., "house of the white man" :)

On the other hand, St. Petersburg is called the "european" city from Russia, and São Paulo is certainly more european than Rio - besides the fact that the two cities have the same initials, and for the names of two closely related christian saints - St. Peter and St. Paul :D

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.10.06 21:13. Заголовок: Globo Biscuits!

Since you got interested in the Globo Biscuits, here is a page that deals exclusively with them: http://www.almacarioca.com.br/n15jul02.htm

It may be a good excercise for you on portuguese! If you have any doubts in translating, I can help :)

This is how the biscuits look like:

I don't like them, but hey, I also don't like to go to the beach, so I'm not a typical carioca :)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.06 00:23. Заголовок: Re:

Wow, that's a deep analysis. What do you think/know if comparing argentinos vs brasileiros and Buenos Aires vs Rio?
I mean apart from obvious differences like different languages, samba/bossa nova vs tango culture, more black vs more europeesh-looking folks etc. For instance, how would you compare, so to speak, quality of life in Rio and in Buenos Aires from your point of view? I mean I don't care about trying to stay objective, rather I am fishing for some nuances that I can't see from a distance.

Like this one - I don't know where it's coming from:

Odiar os argentinos que vão para Búzios nas ferias e tratam as brasileiras como lixo

That would kinda imply to me that argentinos are generally richer than brasileiros and that would give them some room for being arrogant but on the other hand I heard that hotels and other "facilities" around Iguazu Falls are more expensive on Brasilian side of the border than on Argentinian side. So I am not sure what's going on down there.

with your perfect beauty and your perfect pitch
you're a perfect terror...
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.06 01:46. Заголовок: Re:

Thank you Mr. Roncevaux! I really couldn't find by myself how those bloody Globo Biscuits look like.) And now I suppose it's something similar to Russian "corn sticks" ))) well I don't have any idea about translating "кукурузные палочки".

In any case reading an article in Portuguese is quite a useful practice.)

2 Valera:
Could you please translate our main topics, for example to place "About Brazil and Rio de Janeiro" behind "О Бразилии и Рио" etc. I think it would be easier for other users to create some new related themes.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.06 03:56. Заголовок: Re:

Angler пишет:

Russian "corn sticks" )))

"sweet pop corn"? :)

Did I make any mistake when translating the topic?

with your perfect beauty and your perfect pitch
you're a perfect terror...
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.06 05:57. Заголовок: Re:

About the Globo Biscuits - I didn't make myself clear enough :D They look like the picture I showed you in the texture / consistence, not in the actual form of each bit :) The form is that of a donut.

About the argentinians... man, it's a complex issue. I'll tell what it the image of these people for the general Rio brazilian, which is not my own particular opinion, OK? They say argentinians are snobbish, have superiority complex and are racists. I remember that one argentinian sport gazeta called the brazilians "macaquitos" - "little monkeys", due to our part-african origin. This isn't good to hear.

It's true that many argentinians come here to spend their tourist vacations (things here are cheaper than there - except for books), and I think part of the bad reception they may have here is due to their resemblance to european tourists, and when we see they are from argentina it's kinda deceptive :) on the other hand, they want to be treated like european tourists, so the deception comes for them too! It's also true that the rivalry in football between our countries is greater than it would be to any other opponent.

I have some argentinian friends who live in Rio. They are nice persons, but they surely are culturally different from us. They're more stubborn, sometimes obstinated in one plan that they go on with until the end, almost quixotesquely; and they like to be pioneers. For example, a friend of mine is an argentinian drummer. But he couldn't just be a normal drummer - he created a whole new method to play the drums, gives classes under this method and tours the whole country giving concerts only with his drum set - he made many songs to be played just by the drums! :P

And there are the jokes, also. One of them is very interesting, but demands a little background info: the northeast of Brazil is generally poorer than the southeast where Rio and SP are, so many persons migrate from northeast states to "try the life" on the south. Many of them end up working in low-rated professions, such as bricklayers or doormen. So people in the south call them depreciatively "Paraíba", in reference to one of the 13 states of that northern region.

Than we have a joke like that:

What's the result of the cross between a "Paraíba" and an argentinian?
- A doorman who thinks he's the owner of the building!

I, as a fan of plays of words, prefer another funny coincidence, that they can't turn against us: If you put the letters of the word


(argentinian, in portuguese) in another order, you will get



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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.10.06 11:44. Заголовок: Re:

Roncevaux пишет:

It's true that many argentinians come here to spend their tourist vacations (things here are cheaper than there - except for books), and I think part of the bad reception they may have here is due to their resemblance to european tourists, and when we see they are from argentina it's kinda deceptive :) on the other hand, they want to be treated like european tourists, so the deception comes for them too!

Then one would argue: what's bad about "deception"? Maybe if they look more like europeans then that would be what they are in some respect. I kinda sense here a similarity to how russians and ukrainians treat each other. There is just too much of close ties and rivalry and all sorts of nicknames between them and "of course" you wouldn't treat that guy from just across the border like a tourist from a distant land even if he has money and other attributes.

For me as for for a guy from outside both brazilian and argentine cultures are interesting of course not in a real but in a "packaged", "franchised" form. Samba/bossa nova to listen to and to play with (I hardly ever danced to it) and Tango specifically as a social dance (I hardly ever listen to that music by itself). I consider visiting both countries sometime but it feels like Buenos Aires/Argentina would be just simpler and easier for me to visit so I am going to do that first. Because I don't have to think much about what I am going to do when I am there, about whether I make friends or not etc. I can just stay in some hotel or rent a condo in a good district of a city, go to restaurants, take strolls, go take some Tango lessons during the day and go to milongas or some fancy Tango shows at night. From accounts of people who have been there it looks like you can feel pretty much at home. Take taxis, take late night strolls, dress up nicely, buy couple pairs of dance shoes, eat whatever you want, hang out with local or foreign people or both. Even weather does not matter much in this respect, you can probably take in enough flavor for two weeks stay just indoors. At least that's my impression prior to first visit.

With Rio/Brasil it feels more complicated. For instance, I like bossa nova and I can strum guitar at home but I am no performance or jam artist so I can't apply it much as a way to spend much time or make friends in Rio apart from going to a couple of concerts, record stores. So instead of touching and feeling "it" there is a big chance I would spend time chasing some mirages I've read about before. And then they say you'd rather dress down in Rio in order to kinda blend in in terms of not standing out as an obvious target for robbery or something like that. And maybe it's OK for a youngster/college student but if you want to have some more comfort rather than feel of unknown/adventure, if you travel with a woman which also suggests you take safety into account, then you kinda start thinking..

Of course, I don't really know, I got these impressions from accounts of other people or even from movies :) Maybe it's partly because a lot of brasilian movies are so violent. Like "Cidade de Deus" etc. Or that documentary about favelas situation which is an extra on the "Cidade.." DVD was one of those things. As a foreign tourist you think: well, I didn't hear that Buenos Aires would have two million people in the area who live almost completely out of government control apart from police with machine guns. So there is probably less chance of getting into any sort of trouble.

Can you tell me what you think about things like that?

with your perfect beauty and your perfect pitch
you're a perfect terror...
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.06 01:44. Заголовок: Re:

Валера Хренников пишет:

Can you tell me what you think about things like that?

Well, I thnk you are right! You are right about the things you expect to find in Rio. It all depends on which kind of trip you want to have. I can tell that the things on "Cidade de Deus" DVD are real, and that they're seen from the point of view of the middle class, for whom the TV programs and even the movies are made here. I think to chase mirages is a risk on every trip. But hey, for what do you choose a country to visit anyway? It's always for some prior motivation of imagining what you'll find there.

About Argentina I don't know, I've never been there. But they don't have the favela question we have here. And sure it's a more "european" country. But for me it isn't an advantage. I may be suspect to speak about that because I live here, but I think Rio (and Brazil in general) is a very particular place, and here you'll find things that you can't - really - find anywhere else in the world. Even the social display we have here, with the divided city and the parallel power, is something very different. I prefer to go to places like this, places that are not close to any place else. That's why i decided, on my first trip to Russia, not to visit St. Petersburg and stay only in Moscow, and I don't regret it a bit.

But of course, the "singularity"of a place relays deeply on the people of this place. So, to go to a very different place, it's better for you to stick together with native people. And internet makes this relatively easy. I think that If you make contacts with people from Brazil, cultivate some friendship with them, you'll enjoy much more your trip. They may not show you fancy tourist spots, but they will give you something much more precious: the chance to witness how's an everyday kind of life in that place. A way of proceeding, for example: if you start to make friends with some people from São Luís (capital of Maranhão), it's better to visit São Luís than Rio. It doesn't have much violence, but it's not a village in the middle of nowhere either. You'll also be more safe, and maybe some of these people will be musicians who will jam with you and tell some secrets of "native performance" as well :)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.10.06 02:43. Заголовок: Re:

Roncevaux пишет:

That's why i decided, on my first trip to Russia, not to visit St. Petersburg and stay only in Moscow

I’ve found the comparison of St.Petersburg/Sao Paulo – Rio/Moscow incorrect. It’ll be more adequate to associate the places vice versa. Well, the reasons are:
- Moscow is much more industrial
- more developed in finances
- more business-like type etc
All of this points to SP in Brazil.
And, otherwise, would be easier to close Rio to St.Petersburg because of their culture and historical significance on both countries.
To talk about safety might tell there's no such difference between Moscow and St.Petersburg as possibly exists between main cities of Brazil.

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